Best Methods for Taking Notes in School

Every student learns differently. What works for you, may not work for your classmate. In order to determine the best method of note-taking for you, we must first determine your learning style.

The four main styles of learning include visual learning, reading/writing learning, auditory learning, and hands-on learning. Despite there being a variety of ways of taking notes, some techniques work better for certain learning styles.

Below we will outline the characteristics of the different learning styles and which note-taking method would work best for you.

Visual Learners

Visual learners are those who learn best when they are able to see/visualize what they are learning. You like pictures, colours, maps, and diagrams to help you learn and communicate information.

So, which methods for taking notes are best for visual learners?

  • Use pictures, diagrams, charts and colours to categorize information

  • Keep organized notes (colour coded is a plus!)

  • Create mind maps. They are a great opportunity to build connections between concepts and arrange the information in a way that makes sense to you.

    • To create a mind map, start with a main idea in the middle of the page. Then, add ‘branches’ of key topics or related themes from the main idea. Lastly, include ‘sub-branches’ that include main information, charts or diagrams that help you describe the topics.

Auditory Learners

Auditory learners learn best when they hear the information. You like to verbally describe ideas, solve problems through conversations, and follow instructions best when they are spoken to you.

So, which methods for taking notes are best for auditory learners?

  • Record yourself speaking out loud. You can explain main topics to yourself and listen to the recording walking to school, doing chores, on the bus, etc.

  • Listen and write. Listen to the information, give yourself time to absorb the learning, then write down the main points.

  • Try listening to music while studying. It can help you focus and drown out other noises. Try music without lyrics as they may be distracting.

Kinesthetic Learners 

Kinesthetic learners are ‘hands-on’ learners. Moving and doing are your forte. You like muscle memory and recognizing the ‘big picture’, but also read body language and gestures well.

So, which methods for taking notes are best kinaesthetic learners? 

  • Using flash cards at creating actions for yourself to remember the information

  • Take active breaks such as going for a walk or run

  • Chewing gum or squeezing a ball while you study

  • Type your notes so that your hands are more involved, as opposed to writing with one hand

Reading/Writing Learners

Reading/writing learners learn best when reading and writing. You like to memorize information by writing it down, make lists, and communicate through writing. 

So, which note taking methods are best for reading/writing learners?

  • Write your notes

  • Include titles when organizing your notes

  • Only write the main points down

  • Read your notes when studying

  • Add information to your hand-outs as opposed to highlighting


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