Struggling with the periodic table? Confused about chromosomes and cell reproduction?

  • 5C tutors are BC Certified teachers with specializations in Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Earth Science. Our tutors can provide a comprehensive set of knowledge, skills, and experiences related to science as well as support homework assignments and prepare for tests and provincial examinations.

    5C tutors provide students with experiences that follow the BC Curriculum:

    • Help students become flexible and adaptable while acquiring specialized knowledge

    • Develop the capacity to think critically

    • Call for a wide range of knowledge, methods, and approaches that enable students to analyse personal and societal issues critically

    • Encourage students to examine the impact of scientific knowledge on their lives, society, and the environment

    • Develop a positive attitude toward science

    • Cultivate students’ appreciation of the scientific endeavour and their potential to contribute to it

    Areas we specialize in:

    • Grade 8 & 9: Science

    • Grade 10: Science, Provincial Exam Prep

    • Grade 11: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth Science

    • Grade 12: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth Science